Nevada County Pride celebrates, supports, and advocates for the LGBTQ+ community in Western Nevada County by promoting Community, Diversity, and Respect through Events, Education, and Resources.

We are a social network of gay, lesbian, bisexual, queer, and transgender persons, and their allies, who celebrate and support the LGBTQ+ community in western Nevada County, California, including Grass Valley and Nevada City.

Participation in the organization is free and all are invited to join. One of the events that we sponsor is the monthly potlucks hosted in private homes. We also encourage others to initiate and organize events for Nevada County Pride and the local LGBTQ+ community. Check out the calendar page to see what’s happening in Nevada County.

If you have a Queer Community event that you would like to add to the calendar, please go to the Calendar tab and scroll down below the calendar and submit our form.

If you are interested in joining our mailing list, click on the Contact tab, complete the form and submit. Our Coordinator will add you.

  • You will receive regular e-newsletters with announcements and information on upcoming events

  • You will be invited to attend monthly potlucks

  • You can learn about annual events, local pride events, the Nevada County Fair, Juneteenth, Transgender Day of Remembrance, and other local celebrations of diversity and culture.

We acknowledge the Nisenan people are still here among us today, though they are nearly invisible and their story continues to be excluded from history.

We understand we are on Nisenan land that was never ceded, and the original tribal families have yet to recover from the genocide of their people.


Hello Community,

As September ushers in the crisp beginnings of fall, we’re celebrating the vibrant success of our recent pool party fundraiser with the incredible Lorraine Gervais. A heartfelt thank you to everyone who joined us, especially our hosts Uli, Jeff, Nelson, and the many volunteers who made this fun night possible! While the days are cooling, there's still time to enjoy a swim and soak up the last of summer’s warmth. We hope you all had a relaxing and rejuvenating Labor Day weekend!

Keep reading below for more events that are planned in September and beyond.

Breaking Down Barriers Podcast Recording 

The podcast recording of the Sierra Nevada Hospital Foundation monthly program called "Breaking Down Barriers" on Tuesday, August 6th, is in the link below. THANKS so much to this panel of three young people, Sam (they/them), Maddux (they/he), Stephen (he/him), and Nevada County Pride board member and moderator, Megan Wells (they/she), who shared their stories and discussed the challenges that young LGBTQ+ community members face here regarding identity, community, and acceptance, as well as ways we can support the LGBTQ+ community. It was insightful, powerful and fun! Download to your favorite device for your next walk, run, bike or drive.


September Potluck - Saturday, September 21st

Our next potluck is coming up on Saturday, September 21st, from 4:00 to 7:00 PM at the Scotts Flat Lake area home of repeat hosts, John & Greg, who will provide a couple of grilled chickens, with condiments, and cold drinks. The grill will be available for others who want to put something on.

What to Bring
— A dish to share (appetizer, salad, main, side dish, or dessert)
— Your own beverages to drink, including alcohol
— $5 to support the on-going potlucks, but no one will be turned away who cannot pay
— Your well behaved dogs are welcome
— Please consider volunteering to help clean up at the evening’s end
Address and Directions were sent out in newsletter.


Monthly Support Groups Need Facilitators
Our monthly support groups are continuing to grow and we invite you to join us for the next meetings on August 19th, and every third Monday of the month.   For additional information and other group meetings,  go here or see calendar for details.
August marks the sixth month anniversary since we re-started the two support groups in March, and attendance has continued to grow. Many community members have asked when do we plan to add more groups - both in person and on Zoom - for those who cannot attend the current third Monday Meeting.
We would like to be able to do that as we head into the fall, but we need additional volunteer peer facilitators to help lead the groups. This role requires no specialized training - just the ability to run the meeting and help guide the conversation. Orientation will be provided! If you are interested in learning more about this role, email Please feel free to share with others who might be interested in helping with this vital community resource. 


Can you join our NC Pride Speakers Bureau?

In the past we have had a somewhat ad hoc approach to finding community speakers and panelists for events, school classes, non-profits, businesses, faith groups, and more. We often call on those who have been reliable volunteers in the past. We frequently turn down requests because we can’t find anyone. This initiative aligns perfectly with our mission to Educate.

To be better prepared for future speaking opportunities – that do so much to raise awareness and visibility for our community – we want to form a Speakers Bureau to have a ready pool of volunteers we can quickly call on to help us. We need to assemble a diverse group of volunteers, representing all that we are in the LGBTQ+ Rainbow, to be able to ensure representation: from youth to elders, gay parents, allies, and more. Speakers are mostly needed to share your personal story, answer questions from your own life experience, be an advocate for our community and how we can continue to gain acceptance and support. We can help you get comfortable with doing this if you need it. Can you help us out? Please complete our volunteer form and check the drop down box for “Speakers Bureau”.

Want to learn more or have questions? Please email


Check out the September calendar to get more information on other upcoming events:

September 7th- Northern Nevada (Reno)
September 8th- Oakland Pride
September 12th -
Third Annual Latino Family Festival
September 14th - A Day for Women
September 16th - Monthly Support Groups
September 20th - NC Pride Board Meeting
mber 21st - Potluck at John and Greg's
September 24th - Dyke Night
September 28th - River City Sparkle
October 27th - Annual Halloween Potluck and Costume Party - Save the Date!
Have a wonderful month and we hope to see you at some of the events!