December 2024

Message from the Board Chair, Rick Partridge

As 2024 draws to a close, I want to take this opportunity to reflect on an extraordinary year of growth, connection, and celebration. Together, we have demonstrated the power of community to foster inclusivity, amplify voices, and inspire meaningful change in our community.

This year, Nevada County Pride expanded its presence through diverse and impactful events, each bringing unique opportunities to unite and uplift our community. In June, our biggest event of the year, with 350 attendees, was our Pride Family Picnic, featuring over 20 community organization tables sharing important resources. June also brought us the first ever June Pride Month Proclamation from Grass Valley, joining Nevada City who has done this for many years.

Later in the summer, our presence at the Nevada County Fair exemplified how visibility fosters understanding. For five days in August, our booth served as a hub of resources, information, and camaraderie for the LGBTQ+ community, allies, and curious fairgoers. This effort, supported by dedicated volunteers, brought our mission of inclusivity into the heart of our county’s cherished traditions.

November marked a poignant and reflective moment with the Transgender Day of Remembrance, honoring those who have faced violence and discrimination for living authentically. Our theme, “Strength Through Unity: Building Bridges, Breaking Barriers,” reminded us of the transformative power of solidarity. The event emphasized that by coming together, we can overcome prejudice, advocate for change, and build a world where everyone feels seen, heard, and loved.

Beyond these signature events, we continued to build community through our monthly potlucks, support groups, Onyx at the Nevada Theatre movie event, and “Breaking Down Barriers” podcast with a panel of local youth,  fostering connections in informal and welcoming settings. These gatherings provided opportunities for deepening relationships and celebrating our shared commitment to inclusivity.

These achievements were only possible because of you—our dedicated volunteers, generous donors, and passionate participants. Your contributions of time, energy, and resources made every event a success and reaffirmed the strength of our collective commitment to building an inclusive Nevada County.

Looking ahead to 2025, we are inspired to dream bigger and reach further. Our Board just completed our strategic planning with these five priorities: Increase Visibility, Cultivate Community Relationships, Financial Stability, Intergenerational Engagement, and Build Organization Capacity. Plans are already underway for new initiatives, expanded programming, and deeper partnerships that will continue to support and celebrate the LGBTQ+ community. Together, we will build on the foundation we’ve created, ensuring that Nevada County remains a place where everyone can thrive.

Our all-volunteer Board of Directors leads this effort, and I am grateful for their dedication and engagement, with special thanks to Victor Estrada-Hildebrand who is “retiring” from the Board.

Lastly, we are still looking to fill 2025 Board openings and welcome your questions, and interest. You can contact me at or any board member. Our board meetings are open to the public and normally occur monthly on the third Friday at 10:30 AM. We meet in the community room at the Madelyn Helling Library at the NC Rood Government Center. Please check our website calendar to confirm date, time and place.

Hopefully you will be able to join us at our final event of 2024, our (Almost) New Years Eve Potluck on December 28th, 2024, or at other events this month on our calendar such as the Support Group meetings on Monday, December 16th.  

Thank you for being an integral part of this incredible journey. Wishing you a joyous and inclusive holiday season and a bright start to the New Year!


August 2024

Message from the Board Chair, Rick Partridge

Dear Community Members,

As we head into the home stretch to the end of summer, I have been reflecting on a few things since my last letter in May. Many of us are still basking in the aftermath of an incredible Pride month and a very busy July, with many amazing events. Even though August starts to slow a bit, we still have the Nevada County Fair where we will have a table for 5 days, 12 hours a day, our monthly support groups, a DJ Dance Party before Gay Day at the Yuba, a LGBTQ+ youth panel podcast recording at Nevada County Media, and our August pool party and potluck followed by a poolside Dance Party with Lorraine Gervais – a fundraiser for NC Pride. Yes – another busy month! Additional details on all these events, and more, are in our calendar and this newsletter.

My recent reflection has been on our Mission: Nevada County Pride celebrates, supports, and advocates for the LGBTQ+ community in Western Nevada County by promoting Community, Diversity, and Respect through Events, Education, and Resources.

Specifically, I have been thinking about the “Education” part – mainly because we already do a good job on events and resources – but we certainly can improve there too. Webster’s defines this term as “the knowledge and development resulting from the process of being educated”. Simple. Understandable. But in my view, it is often hard to do. I think that’s the reason why this objective in our mission is the one that has received the least focus in the past few years as we re-invented Nevada County Pride from a monthly potluck club to what we have grown to today post pandemic.

So, I will be asking my Board to make Education a priority as we embark on our strategic planning this fall. We made a great deal of progress on this in the spring before we hit “pause” to focus 100% of our efforts on Pride month.  But before we hit pause, we approved these 2024 Goals:

· Collaborations with organizations – Do at least six events - AAUW, Placer Pride, Onyx Theatre, Juneteenth, BriarPatch, The Fern, NC Senior Center, GV Museum, NC Library

· Community Education - 1-2 training events – LGBTQ+ Cultural Awareness with San Joaquin Pride Center

· Community Support Groups - 10 monthly meetings of the 2 groups, add virtual group

· Fundraising Plan & Goals - Create sponsor levels, host fundraising event

· Board Education - Gay Center Visit (learning from established orgs, networks) - Visit one area LGBTQ+ Center in Fall 2024

· Fill open board positions - 3 new members

· Cultivate Intergenerational Outreach Opportunities – NC Queer Events, Panels

So what’s next in the Education goal? In the past we have had a somewhat ad hoc approach to finding community speakers and panelists for events, school classes, non-profits, businesses, faith groups, and more. We often call on those who have been reliable volunteers in the past. We frequently turn down requests because we can’t find anyone. To be better prepared for future speaking opportunities – that do so much to raise awareness and visibility for our community – we want to form a Speakers Bureau to have a ready pool of volunteers we can quickly call on to help us. We need to assemble a diverse group of volunteers, representing all that we are in the LGBTQ+ Rainbow, to be able to ensure representation: from youth to elders, gay parents, allies, and more. Speakers are mostly needed to share your personal story, answer questions from your own life experience, be an advocate for our community and how we can continue to gain acceptance and support. We can help you get comfortable with doing this if you need it. Can you help us out? Please complete our volunteer form and check the drop down box for “Speakers Bureau”.

Want to learn more or have questions? Please email me at

I hope to see you at our August events!


May 2024

Message from the Board Chair, Rick Partridge 

Join us in making a difference in our community! As we gear up for June Pride month events, we're reaching out to you for your invaluable support. Your contributions can help underwrite these celebrations that mean so much to us all.

And guess what? We're also on the lookout for more volunteers to make these events even more memorable. Whether you can spare a few hours to help us set up, lend a hand during the festivities, or assist with cleanup, your participation is truly appreciated.

Last month, thanks to the incredible response from our community, we welcomed several new volunteers. But we know there are more hearts out there eager to make a difference, and we believe we can do even better with your help.

So, here's your chance to get involved! Simply visit our volunteer page and fill out the form. Our volunteer coordinator, Nicole, will be in touch to match you with opportunities that align with your interests and skills. Have questions or special talents to offer? Feel free to reach out to us at

In addition to volunteer support, we also rely on donations to make these events possible. Whether it's $10 or $100, every contribution helps create a vibrant, inclusive celebration for all ages in our LGBTQIA+ community and beyond. Right now we can use your support to help with the costs of our Third Annual Pride Family Picnic on June 9th. Learn more about this event and donate here.

We have just recently launched our sponsorship program too. Are you a business who would like to help support our community AND get more visibility to the more than 1500 readers of our newsletters, Facebook and Instagram feeds? Learn more about this opportunity here. Your generosity fuels our efforts to bring joy and acceptance to Nevada County.

Lastly, we're excited to announce three open positions on our board. If you're passionate about making a difference and want to join us in our mission, we encourage you to attend our board meetings, which are open to the public. You can contact me directly to learn more about the role at Check our website calendar for details on upcoming meetings.

Together, let's make this Pride month one to remember. Thank you for being a vital part of our community and for your ongoing support.


April 2024

Message from the Board Chair, Rick Partridge 

If you are like me, it’s hard to believe that the start of Pride month is only 60 days away – 2024 is flying by!

Our events committee has been working for months to bring our community a wide variety of June Pride events – some sponsored by NC Pride and some that are collaborations with others. This model has worked so well for the past 2 years because of the incredible volunteers who help bring our events to life! Our working Board and small but dedicated team of year-round volunteers cannot do it without additional volunteers. Volunteering is a great way to meet and connect with members of our community and build a sense of camaraderie and accomplishment for helping us make these events special. Here are a few of the ways you can help us build pride celebrations we’re PROUD of!

Help us color the town rainbow! Volunteer to help us hang pride flags throughout downtown Nevada City on Saturday, June 1st. Come help us bring a little more LGBTQ+ flair to our town and kick-off a colorful Pride month!

On Saturday, June 8th, we’ll be hosting our 2nd annual Pride Family Picnic at the Condon Park Pavilion. We’ll need help with everything from soliciting donations before the event,  and setup, cleanup and security for the actual event. Can you help us bring this family-focused pride event to life? 

And there are dozens of other opportunities throughout June and beyond. Events are being finalized and added to our events calendar regularly. We always love having volunteers to help table at events and help bring the LGBTQ+ presence to our town. Come join us and help spread the love!

Looking for other ways to contribute? Our two support groups launched successfully in March, and we are still in need of additional peer facilitators as we look to increase the once per month meetings to serve the needs of the community.

Throughout the year, we can always use volunteers to host and help with potlucks and other social events, help solicit sponsorships and donations, support our marketing, social media and communications, just as some examples. 

Lastly, we have 2 open positions on the board that we want to fill so that we can continue to do this important work for our community. Our board meetings are open to the public and normally occur monthly on the third Friday at 10:30 AM. Please check our website calendar to confirm date, time and place. 

So, here’s my call to action – please go to our volunteer page and submit the form and our volunteer coordinator, Nicole, will get back to you to match you to our current needs. If you have questions or specific skills that you want to offer, you can also email

Thank you in advance for donating your time and helping make this pride season a great one for Nevada County a great one. We couldn’t do it without you.

Rick Partridge


March 2024

Message from the Board Chair, Rick Partridge

Spring is (hopefully after this storm!) right around the corner and the beginning of a time of change, growth and renewal. It’s also a time of change for Nevada County Pride and there are two important updates I am excited to share with our community.

First, in our February board annual meeting and elections, we bid farewell to three board members and welcomed three new ones. I want to express my sincere thanks to the departing members for your contributions - Jim Richards, Uli Paulin and Kara Reyes – and for their service to the community. I am also excited to add to the board: Victor Estrada-Hildebrand, Danielle Vanaman and Megan Wells. All three of them bring experience volunteering with NC Pride over the past year, as well as expertise in the areas of event planning, fund raising, marketing and communications, youth and young adult outreach and more – all skills that will be valuable to the board. Thanks for stepping forward to help us to continue to develop a deeper connection to and understanding of the needs of our local LGBTQ+ community in Nevada County.

We have 2 open positions on the board and we invite all in the community to get involved as a volunteer. We need lots of help with the events that are currently being planned for June Pride and the rest of 2024. Our board meetings are open to the public and normally occur monthly on the third Friday at 10:30 AM. We meet in the community room at the Madelyn Helling Library at the NC Rood Government Center. Please check our website calendar to confirm date, time and place.

The other news item I am very excited to announce is the return of community support groups. Over the past several months a group of community members have gathered to discuss bringing back support groups that used to exist under PFLAG back before COVID. Good news is that we launch these once a month meetings in March!

The initial plan is to have 2 consecutive monthly meetings on the third Monday of each month. Start time for first meeting for age 18+ LGBTQ+ community members is at 5:30 PM and the second meeting for parents and allies, is at 6:30 PM. The groups will be facilitated by volunteer peer community members. The meeting location is the Litton Building (Bright Futures for Youth), 200 Litton Drive, Grass Valley, in a safe and secure building. For more information, please visit Support Groups.

I hope to see you at our first potluck of the year on March 16th and other events this month. Wishing all of you a spring of renewal and growth!

Rick Partridge


January 2024

A Welcome to the the New Year from Board Vice-Chair Pepper

Happy New Year! As we step into 2024, it is with great enthusiasm and anticipation that I welcome you to the Year of the Wood Dragon in the Chinese horoscope—a symbol of power, nobleness, honor, luck, and success.

I am thrilled and excited to begin the exciting journey of planning a year brimming with POWERFUL events. I was also born in the Year of The Dragon, and its energy inspires me to aim for greatness that builds on our incredible 2023, and with the unwavering support of our community, I have no doubt that this year will be nothing short of fantastic!

Our past events have been a testament to the dedication and hard work of an incredible group of volunteers. We consider ourselves truly LUCKY to have such a wonderful team that has played a pivotal role in making our events immensely SUCCESSFUL. Each volunteer has contributed to the vibrancy and success of our community endeavors, and for that, we are truly grateful - we could not do what we do without you!

As we start the planning stage for 2024, we are excited to share a glimpse of what's to come. Our first Pride event of the year will be a Valentine's Day all-ages poetry night in collaboration with the Madelyn Helling Library. More details to come soon.

It is my HONOR to serve as your Vice Chair and Event Coordinator, working alongside an incredible Board, talented Volunteers and our newly formed Event committee to bring these events to life. Together, we aim to create experiences that hold true to our mission of celebrating, supporting, and advocating for the LGBTQ+ community in Western Nevada County by promoting Community, Diversity, and Respect through Events, Education, and Resources.

So, here's to a NOBLE and Fabulous New Year! We invite you to join us in making 2024 a year filled with memorable moments, meaningful connections, and the joy of giving back to this beautiful community..

If you are passionate about contributing to the success of our events and making a positive impact, we encourage you to sign up as a volunteer. We specifically need these skills: event planning and management, fundraising, marketing and communications, operations and more. We are happy to train you in these areas too! Your time and efforts are invaluable, and together, we can achieve extraordinary things.

To sign up for volunteer positions and be part of our community's journey to greatness, please visit here

To make a donation to support our work in 2024, please visit Donate — Nevada County Pride

To stay up to date with all of our community's events please watch our calendar here

Our Facebook group is a great place to stay up to date and find out about volunteer opportunities : Nevada County Pride Facebook Group

Thank you for your continued support, and let's raise a toast to a year filled with POWER, LUCK, SUCCESS, and LOVE!



December 2023

Grat-i-tude (noun), the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.

With deepest gratitude to all who made this incredible 2023 possible… truly does take a village.

Our generous donors and community business supporters

Our all-volunteer Board of Directors, with special thanks to Del Rae Phoenix and Uli Paulin who are “retiring” from the Board

Our volunteers who supported all of our events and monthly potluck hosts who welcome the community to their homes

Our local LGBT+ elected officials who ensure our community voice is represented: Nevada City Mayor Daniela Fernandez and Council Member Lou Ceci, Grass Valley Vice Mayor Hilary Hodge, and Nevada County Sheriff Shannan Moon.

Our many allies in public service and other community roles:  Nevada County Supervisors Heidi Hall and Lisa Swarthout, and CEO Alison Lehman, GV Council Member Bob Branstrom, and so many others

The California Democratic LGBTQ Caucus who made our community the first stop on their Rural Listening Tour in May

Dr. Scott Neeley and his leadership team at Sierra Nevada Memorial Hospital for the work to make rural healthcare accessible and equitable for queer and trans patients. And Del Rae Phoenix for the LGBTQ+ Rural Healthcare Needs Assessment.

Our Community Partner organizations: Color Me Human, Community Beyond Violence, Bright Futures for Youth, Citizens for Choice, Sierra Foothills AIDS Foundation, The Miners Foundry, Sierra College, The Center for Non-Profit Leadership, What’s Up Wellness, Unitarian Universalist Community of the Mountains, Unity of the Gold Country, YubaNet, The Onyx, BriarPatch, and many others.

Our many Community Event organizers….Rebecca Blanton (“Auntie Vice”), Christy Busch, Mags Yen-Chuang Matthews, Andrew Rust, Robert Rushin (“Cloaca”), Danielle Vanaman, Cari Yardley, Michelle Bancroft,  and so so many others

My “kitchen cabinet” of advisors who I can consult with: Sheila Cameron, Pascale Fusshoeller, John Paul, Wendy Willoughby, Karle DeProsse, Pat Rose, and Matisse Geenty

My amazing husband, Jack, for always supporting me in the community work that feeds my passion and soul. And to the spouses/partners/families of all the others listed above, thank you for supporting them.

And all the others I am sure I forgot to include.

And since we just passed Giving Tuesday, if you are feeling gratitude for the important work that we do in the community, please consider donating here or becoming a volunteer here. We thank you for support!

I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving week that offered a time to reflect and give gratitude in between gatherings with friends and families.  Happy Holidays!



November 2023

Fall…A time of change

Like many of you, I look forward to the fall….the cooler temperatures, wonderful start of the rainy season, and the incredible colors of the Sierra.

This fall is particularly exciting because of some changes at Nevada County Pride that I want to highlight for you.

Earlier this year, as many of you know, we started the process to become a 501c(3) tax-exempt non-profit organization. The process has been long and complex, as working with both the state and federal government often is, but we were elated to receive our approval this past week! Although there are many benefits to this the designation, one of the most important ones is that donations now made to Nevada County Pride are tax-deductible, to the extent allowed by law. Potentially, this starts us on the path to one of the long-range community goals to have a Gay Center here. You can read the other goals in my October letter below.

The other exciting change I want to mention is in the social media space. Since we launched our Instagram account in August, we now have more than 150 followers. We were delighted with the response and hope you will add us @nevadacountypride.

We have also assumed ownership of the former Facebook Group “Pride Nevada County” (that started as the PFLAG group) as Nevada County Pride. So, in addition to our website, you can also get information on events, share community announcements and connect with each other. Membership in the group is open to all gay, lesbian, bisexual, queer, and transgender persons, and allies.

This is a private group that you can submit your application at:

Lastly, I want to thank the community members who reached out to learn more about our need for additional volunteers and new Board members to start in January. We still want to hear from more of you! Complete our Volunteer Application here.

You are invited to come learn more about the work we are doing at our monthly Board meetings that are open to all, and generally take place on the third Friday each at 10:30 AM. They are posted on our calendar. Board roles can be viewed at:

I would be delighted to speak with you further about the Board and our plans for 2024 and beyond. Reach out to me at



October 2023

Nevada County Pride: Looking Back….Moving Forward

In March 2022, just as the world was starting to recover from a global pandemic, 17 members of our local LGBTQ+ community came together to have a conversation about re-inventing Nevada County Pride for a post-Covid world. Founded about 40 years ago by a group of gay men who met monthly in members’ homes for potlucks, when communication was by postcard, NCP was in need of a makeover for the 21st century.                 

The gathering was energizing and productive, initially leading to actions to improve collaboration and communication for events, such as a master calendar on the website that all in the community could post events. There was also agreement that doing something big for 2022 June Pride Month was important to regain the visibility lost during Covid. For a variety of reasons, there was not something big last year, but instead a variety of smaller events hosted by multiple groups. It was a busy and fun month!

Fast forward to 2023. NCP hosted the CA LGBT+ Caucus in May for the first stop on their Rural Listening Tour. One outcome was a community roundtable discussion with Sierra Nevada Memorial Hospital to discuss gaps in healthcare for queer and trans patients. There have now been meetings bringing together SNMH leadership, medical practitioners, and community members. The group is using the recently concluded LGBTQIAP+ Rural Healthcare Survey to help inform the work.

Pride Month 2023 was very successful with more than 10 events hosted by various community organizers bringing in 1000+ attendees from the Nevada City Pride Flag Raising to Queer Family Picnic. But the big event was our first Pride Festival on Sunday, August 6th, with more than 650 attendees came out to enjoy a full day of fun for all ages. We appreciated all the community support!

And that brings us to the look forward and how you can help. Our all-volunteer Board recently revised and approved a new Mission Statement that better reflects the purpose of the organization: “Nevada County Pride celebrates, supports, and advocates for the LGBT+ community in Western Nevada County by promoting Community, Diversity, and Respect through Events, Education, and Resources”.  

In addition, we are:

·   in the process of getting our 501c(3) non-profit status and will soon launch a strategic planning process to build a roadmap for the future, including a possible Gay Community Center

·   participating in Nevada County’s Equity, Inclusion, and Leadership Alliance (EILA), advancing a safe and just Nevada County through the elevation of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

·  continuing to grow our partnership with Bright Futures For Youth to support Queer Youth and other local social justice organizations

·  Growing the number of events that we offer to the community

Our goal is to have an organization for ALL community members regardless of identity. But, we can’t do this without volunteers and new voices from the community.

We are reaching out to you to help us continue to diversify our Board – particularly with women, BIPOC and younger folks. The Board annual meeting and elections are in January and we have multiple positions open. We are doing new board member recruiting now and would be delighted to share more information with you and answer questions about the Board roles that you can view at:

I would be delighted to speak with you further about the Board and our plans for 2024 and beyond. Reach out to me at

Rick Partridge