Community Support Groups

NOTE, these Nevada County Community Support Groups are currently on pause, as we evaluate the best way to meet community needs.

Support groups that used to exist under PFLAG back before COVID are available to all in the community. The groups are co-sponsored by Nevada County Pride, Color Me Human, and Bright Futures for Youth.

There are 2 consecutive monthly meetings on the third Monday. Start time for first meeting for age 18+ LGBTQ+ community members is 5:30 PM, and the second meeting for families and allies at 6:30 PM . Over time, based on demand and community input, we hope to expand the number of meetings.

Each group will have peer co-facilitators who are volunteers that will provide confidential support and resources. The meeting location is in a safe and secure building.

Location: Bright Futures for Youth, 200 Litton Drive Ste 308, Grass Valley, CA, 95945. Entrance is in the rear parking lot through the glass double doors in the middle of the building. Take the elevator and follow signs to the Sun Room on the 3rd floor.

Questions or additional information please email

See calendar for other information.

NEW! Youth Support Groups

Nevada County Pride is proud to partner with The Cauldron for these monthly “Safe Space for Youth” gatherings.

We are looking forward to building strong community partnership and programs at The Cauldron for our Safe Space program, launching Jan 24th. See info at our calendar.

The Cauldron is located at 107 West Main Street Suite C (upstairs) Grass Valley, CA, 95945.

This weekly meet-up for queer youth age 13-19 will provide safe space, community, and resources for our local young queer community. We will be partnering with local nonprofits to provide access to harm reduction, safe sex practices, and mental health. Our weekly meet ups will be every Friday evening from 5:30-8:30 PM, and each week will have a different focus and theme including: movie night, game night, craft night, and more. We plan on hosting a queer prom, gender affirming fairs, and other special events.

If you would like to make a donation to support this important program in our community please go here. Your donation of any amount is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law as Nevada County Pride is a 501(c)(3) organization.

For additional information or questions, please contact

Rainbow Social, started in 2016, to ensure that LGBTQIA+ youth feel safe and welcome in the NEO Youth Center. This group is for youth and young adults ages 11-18. The group meets on the first Thursday of each month during the school year (no meetings June-August) at Bright Futures for Youth. This support group actively reaches out to the LGBTQIA+ youth community to let them know they are seen and loved. The get-together is a mix of fun social activities that promote protective factors to increase their health and well-being and help youth build friendships and self-esteem, as well as spending time with caring adults who listen without judgment. More information here.

Want to Learn More about challenges our youth face? Listen to the “Breaking Down Barriers” Podcast Recording 

The podcast recording of the Sierra Nevada Hospital Foundation monthly program called "Breaking Down Barriers" on Tuesday, August 6th, is in the link below. THANKS so much to this panel of three young people, Sam (they/them), Maddux (they/he), Stephen (he/him), and Nevada County Pride board member and moderator, Megan Wells (they/she), who shared their stories and discussed the challenges that young LGBTQ+ community members face here regarding identity, community, and acceptance, as well as ways we can support the LGBTQ+ community. It was insightful, powerful and fun! Download to your favorite device for your next walk, run, bike or drive.

Placer County PFLAG Groups

These support groups meet the the 2nd Monday of each month:




Satellite Support Meeting: Auburn the 3rd Wednesday of every month from 7pm - 8pm.

4th Mondays monthly Zoom support meeting, 7 – 8 pm

For more information and details, please contact and/or be put on our distribution list for the reminders of their meetings, location of meeting, presentations and news.

PFLAG National offers monthly virtual meetings on Zoom.

The meetings are for the following communities with start day of the month/times:

- Asian American/Pacific Islander (2nd Sunday, 3pm PDT)

- Black/ African American (2nd Tuesday, 6pm PDT)

- Latino / Comunidad Latina (1st Thursday, 6pm PDT) and will be in Spanish. 

- Military Community (2nd Monday, 6pm PDT)

- Gender Spectrum – Parents (3rd Monday, 5pm PDT) (new!)

- Grandparents (last Monday, 5pm PDT) (new!)

- Dad Community (3rd Tuesday, 5pm PDT) (new!)

- To learn more about these meetings and sign-up, go to PFLAG Meetings